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Team Coaching Resources

Dive into our video series to align your leadership team with a shared mission for scaling up your business profitably.  Subscribe to stay updated!

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How to build a performance culture?

Did you know? According to Forrester, organisations with a strong performance culture are 54% more likely to outperform their peers in terms of productivity.

As a Founder-CEO, you find it difficult to play a part in making every critical decision as your company scales up. How can you ensure that critical decisions are made regardless of your presence or intervention? 
Watch this video to find out how I can empower you to establish a great performance culture as you get ready to scale up.

Signals to Tackle Burnout and High Attrition

Burnout often leads to decreased productivity, lowered job satisfaction, and a negative impact on team morale. High attrition not only disrupts workflow but also places added pressure on remaining team members and can increase recruitment and training costs. Over time, these issues can erode the team's ability to effectively collaborate and achieve organizational goals.


In this latest video, I discuss how to identify these critical signals that can impact your company's health and productivity.

Tips for Hiring Leadership Team

Aligning a leadership team with the company's mission and seamless execution is pivotal for business success, yet it's a hurdle many founders and CXOs struggle to overcome. 

Discover actionable tips for aligning your leadership team with your company's mission, starting with the crucial step of identifying the right team members during the recruitment process.


Unlocking Profitability using Performance Metrics

In business, performance metrics are the heartbeat of progress. They're what binds a team to a shared vision, propelling towards collective success. But crafting metrics that ignite performance across every level of the organisation requires precision. How do you align KPIs with your company's mission, ensuring each gear turns in unison?

Decentralising Decision Making 

As a Founder-CEO, are you able to decentralise your decision-making by delegating tasks effectively? Is your team taking ownership and accountability of all its tasks?

An autonomous organisation with built-in ownership and accountabilities encourages high productivity which makes both innovation and profitable scaling up possible. Know how to enable that in your organisation. 

5 Things to Know About Hiring a Great Leadership Team

In this video, I share the top attributes to look for in leadership hires, crucial for those who aspire to align closely with your company's core values and mission.

Having a checklist for leadership hires helps avoid subjective decisions, standardizes the hiring process, and increases the likelihood of choosing leaders who will embody its mission and successfully drive the company forward.


High Performance Team Building

“Does building high-performance teams always mean hiring new talent?” This question lingers in the minds of many founders CEOs who often resort to expanding their teams—a move that might not necessarily enhance overall organizational productivity.

In this video, we delve into effective strategies such as competency assessments and targeted training interventions that can transform your current team into a more productive unit without increasing its size.

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